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Group Gatherings with Intention |
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Reflect | March 8 2023


WHO Wants to know more about our Great Horned Owls?

The following information is brought to us by Jen Leahey from Miraval Berkshires. Jen has dedicated 30+ years to connecting people and nature to share her passion for nature’s wonders by promoting awareness, empathy, and understanding. She works with wild and domestic species, from horses and goats to birds of prey, and holds state and federal licenses to care for injured wildlife.

Read about Homer, an obstinate, independent owl at Miraval Berkshires.

After attending her workshop, “The Wisdom of Owls,” we reached out to her for her thoughts on our resident owls. Below are her ideas based on the information we provided.

Our resident owls have given birth annually, choosing to nest their babies on the spa patio in recent odd years (2019, 2021, and 2023) and near the property’s front gate in even years (2020 and 2022). In March 2021, we noticed the owls had moved closer to the spa, facing the patio. We explored the patio’s grassy edge and found two recently hatched owlets.

The spa staff eagerly monitored the owls’ behavior this February, hoping to see eggs—which they did on February 14. As in past years, we prioritized the safety of the owl habitat and directed guests away from the spa patio. You can see the nesting owl through the grasses when the light is right, keeping her eggs safe. We expect the eggs to hatch in March, and by April, we hope to see tiny faces peeking out from the grasses, as Bodie and Lux (the owlets named by the spa team) did in 2021.

The owls you see in the trees around the property are the parents of Lux and Bodie. They will continue to hold the Miraval Arizona property as their home and encourage their offspring to go elsewhere to find their own environment and mates. Great Horned Owls are territorial animals and will actively drive other owls away.

Why a Spa Nest at Miraval Arizona?

At Miraval Resorts, we say, “growth happens outside of our comfort zones.” For owls, as with humans, the following is simultaneously true: “we thrive when we are supported.”

Once owls find an ideal location that is quiet and protected with ample food sources, they will likely stay as long as possible. Home at Miraval Arizona comes with great views, desert landscapes, safety, comfort, and the knowledge that they will be left to be themselves in peace.

Jen believes that owls can read energy if we simply allow our senses and spirit to open to them. We like to think that the owls read the Life in Balance Spa’s energy as we do and take comfort in its aligning power. Perhaps, like us, they choose to co-exist with it actively.

Life in Balance Spa

The energy of the desert is ever-present at Miraval Arizona—especially within our Life in Balance Spa. Light fixtures mimic desert light. Only-at-Miraval treatments feature desert botanicals like prickly pear, Arizona clay, and purple sage.